Tutorial: 04 Object State Tree

xebra.js v1.2.5 - Documentation

04 Object State Tree

Enumerating Objects and Viewmode

After objects have been created, you can iterate over the objects currently in Xebra.State by iterating through the children of each patcher. This code snippet will print out the entire state currently contained in Xebra.State.

xebraState.on("loaded", function() {
    var patchers = xebraState.getPatchers();
    patchers.forEach( function(patcher) {
        console.log("Patcher", patcher.name);
        var objects = patcher.getObjects();
        objects.forEach( function(object) {
            console.log("\tObject", object.id, object.type);
            var paramTypes = object.getParamTypes();
            paramTypes.forEach( function(paramType) {
                console.log("\t\t", paramType, ":", object.getParamValue(paramType));

The PatcherNode instances each contain all of the ObjectNode instances within the given patcher. It is also possible to look for all of the objects that are within the bounds of a mira.frame object by iterating over FrameNode instances.

xebraState.on("loaded", function() {
    var patchers = xebraState.getPatchers();
    patchers.forEach( function(patcher) {
        console.log("Patcher", patcher.name);
        var frames = patcher.getFrames();
        frames.forEach( function(frame) {
            console.log("\tFrame", frame.id, "viewmode:", frame.viewMode);
            var objects = frame.getObjects();
            objects.forEach( function(object) {
                console.log("\t\tObject", object.id, object.type);
                var paramTypes = object.getParamTypes();
                paramTypes.forEach( function(paramType) {
                    console.log("\t\t\t", paramType, ":", object.getParamValue(paramType));

The objects within a frame are those whose bounding rectangles intersect the bounding rectangle of the mira.frame. Whether or not this bounding rectangle is determined using the patching_rect attribute or the presentation_rect attribute depends on the value of viewMode for both the PatcherNode as well as the FrameNode. If the viewMode for a FrameNode is set to Xebra.VIEW_MODES.PATCHING, then the patching_rect of the frame is used. If viewMode is set to Xebra.VIEW_MODES.PRESENTATION, then the presentation_rect of the frame is used. If viewMode is set to Xebra.VIEW_MODES.LINKED, then the frame will use whatever value of viewMode the parent patcher is using.