Tutorial: 07 Image Resources

xebra.js v1.2.5 - Documentation

07 Image Resources

Object Resources

In order to render, many Max objects need data from local files. A typical example would be the fpic object, which displays an image. To manage this local file connection, Xebra uses a Resource object. Changing the value of the pic attribute in Max, or the pic parameter in Xebra, will update the filename parameter of the Resource object associated with the fpic ObjectNode. This will cause Max to look in its search path for an image with that name. Once it finds that image, it will send the data to the Resource, which can update the the fpic ObjectNode. Given an instance of an ObjectNode, you can see how many resources that node owns by calling getResourceCount

var fpicObject; // ObjectNode of type fpic
console.log(fpicObject.getResourceCount()); // prints '1'

var liveTextObject; // ObjectNode of type live.text
console.log(liveTextObject.getResourceCount()); // prints '2' (one for off, one for on)

var liveTabObject; // ObjectNode of type live.tab
console.log(liveTabObject.getResourceCount()); // depends on the number of tabs -- up to one resource per tab.

If you'd like to use the data that the Resource receives, you must listen for Resource.event:data_received events, which will be fired when the Resource receives data. The Resource doesn't actually hold on to the data itself, so you'll need to hook into this event to get the data. The event will fire a callback with both the filename and a data uri string containing the image data.

var fpicObject; // ObjectNode of type fpic
var imgElement = document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; // some image
var resource = fpicObject.getResourceAtIndex(0); // fpic's first and only resource
resource.on("data_received", function(filename, datauri) {
    imgElement.alt = filename;
    imgElement.src = datauri;

If the image is a .svg file, then Max will render it using its own drawing engine before sending the data over (this was done originally to guarantee that drawings would look the same in both Max and Mira). In this case, set the dimensions parameter to set the size at which Max should render the .svg image, before sending its data.

var fpicObject; // ObjectNode of type fpic
var resource = fpicObject.getResourceAtIndex(0); // fpic's first and only resource
resource.dimensions = {width: 100, height: 100};
fpicObject.setParamValue("pic", "elementjit.svg");

Other Resources

It's not necessary to have an instance of ObjectNode to get an image Resource from Max. You can also create your own resources using the State object directly. Resources created this way can be used to pull image objects from Max's search path. To create such resources, use the State.createResource function.

var xebraState; // Instance of Xebra.State
var resource = xebraState.createResource();
resource.on("data_received", function(filename, datauri) {
    var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
    body.style.backgroundImage = `url(${datauri})`;
resource.filename = "alex.png";

When you're finished with these resources, remember to call Resource.destroy to clean up the Resource's event listeners and avoid a memory leak.

resource = null;